Help & FAQs

1. Can I return or get a refund for my purchase?

Unfortunately, we do not accept returns or offer refunds for our digital products. Please make sure to carefully review the product details and any available demos or previews before making a purchase.

2. What should I do if I encounter issues with the templates?

If you encounter any issues with our templates, please reach out to our customer service team at We will be happy to assist you and resolve any problems you may have.

3. How do I purchase a product?

To purchase a product, simply browse through our collection and select the item you wish to purchase. Add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout page. Follow the prompts to enter your payment and shipping information. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive instant access to download your digital files.

4. What is Corjl?

Corjl is an online platform that allows you to personalize and customize our stationery templates. It provides an easy-to-use interface where you can edit the text, colors, and other elements of the template to suit your preferences. After customizing the template, you can download the final version for printing or digital use.

5. How do I use Corjl?

To use Corjl, simply follow these steps:

  1. After purchasing a template, you will receive an email with a link to access the Corjl platform.
  2. Click on the link to open the template in Corjl.
  3. Edit the text, colors, and other elements of the template using the tools provided by Corjl.
  4. Preview and save your changes.
  5. Download the final version of the customized template.

6. Can I make changes to the template after downloading it?

Once you have downloaded the template, you will not be able to make further changes using Corjl. We recommend reviewing and finalizing your customization before downloading the template. In the case where mistakes are made and changes are necessary, contact admin@stripedstationery for further assistance.

7. Do you offer physical products or only digital downloads?

We currently only offer digital downloads. This means that no physical products will be shipped to you. Upon completing your purchase, you will receive immediate access to download your digital files.

8. How can I contact customer support?

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact our customer service team at admin@stripedstationery.ccom. We are here to help and will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

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